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# 16S rRNA 
# PI: Julie A. Huber (MBL)
# Co-PIs: Peter R. Girguis (Harvard) & Brian Glazer (University of Hawaii)
# Version: 28 Sept 2015
sample           description                                         bioproject_id  collection_date  lat     lon      depth_mbsf_range  depth_mbsf_min  depth_mbsf_max  
1382A            formation fluids from IODP borehole U1382A          PRJNA280201    04/25/2012       22.78   -46.09   90_to_210         90              210             
1383C_Deep       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1383C          PRJNA280201    04/20/2012       22.80   -46.05   200_to_332        200             332             
1383C_Middle     formation fluids from IODP borehole U1383C          PRJNA280201    04/30/2012       22.80   -46.05   146_to_200        146             200             
1383C_Shallow    formation fluids from IODP borehole U1383C          PRJNA280201    04/30/2012       22.80   -46.05   70_to_146         70              146             
CTD2             bottom seawater from CTD sampler                    PRJNA280201    04/26/2012       22.78   -46.09   4350              4350            4350            
Drilling_Mud     sample of drilling mud from IODP Expedition 336     PRJNA280201    09/20/2011       22.80   -46.05   nd                nd              nd